Saturday, November 21, 2009

We decked the fricken halls

This Week we decked the halls at Maddzy's house :] It looks pretty spiffy! We had to carry the rather large Christmas tree up two flights of stairs, and well, it wasn't easy... We need a latin to carry those things for us! We hung up stockings and the Christmas count down. We even blasted Christmas music! Go us! So to keep it short and sweet we decked the fricken halls! Here is some recent photos of us.

Monday, June 1, 2009

I really need to blog...

I really need to blog because kell keeps nagging me. But nothing exciting has really happened. School gets out on June 3rd WOOT! We had GIRLS NIGHT and ran out of stuff to do ( that means trouble) And went to my kitchen and found some tin foil! We had a wonderful idea and dressed up kenzie. We knew my parents would not be to happy so i left an IOU in a empty tin foil box :)

Monday, May 11, 2009


Hey everyone, Kell here and I'm going to blog about how me and madison get into trouble. Its pretty silly but it seems to happen. Heres the three most recent ways.

1. Side walk chalk (Especially easter kind!)
Me and Maddy thought it would be fun to write a welcome home message for my step dad Alan to come home to. Well I just found out that chalk is his pet peeve... so we got into a little trouble... but its all good now we'll only play with chalk at maddy's :)

2. Matches

Me and Maddy just LOVE playing with fire... we know all kinds of tricks :D

3. Easy Cheese

Me and Maddy just love writing love notes to my mother on the counter with spray cheese... she doesn't think its funny....

Anyways those are a few things that get madison and I into trouble... Do you know of any stupid things that get you into trouble? 

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A Wicked Awesome time!

So on April 25 all my wildest dreams suddenly came true! I went and saw "WICKED" At the Capitol theatre in Salt Lake. Shout out to Julaine for getting tickets! It lived up to all my expectations and then some. But I had the darndest time not singing along.... Heres a picture of me and my dad with the poster :)

The cast was amazing, but I have to say my favorite was Fiyero. He did a great performance, though the choir girl inside me says he should have had better singing vowels, but mostly I loved him because he was none other than the original "Warner" From one of my all time favorite musicals; "Legally Blonde, The Musical". It was funny cause I was reading the program and was like oh cool, but I didn't realize that he was the original one who sings on my iPod! But when I saw him I knew it had to be, then at intermission I turned on my iPod to see and I was right! I could have passed out right then. Check him out :)
Anyways I thoroughly enjoyed WICKED, I couldn't be more pleased with how it was :) 


WE HAVE NOT BLOGGED IN LIKE FOREVER! Here is a list of awesomeness that has occurred in the last couple of months :D
  • Legally Blonde tickets went on sale!
  • Bridewars came out! YAY
  • Spring break.
  • We went "camping" in Emily's back yard!
  • We are no longer allowed to sit by each other in seminary :( because we talk to much.
  • We went to Olive garden and had a very cute waiter named Bruce! YUM (he was better then the food) ;)
  • Maddzy got her plane ticket to go to OREGON!
  • The Beatles are the best... EVER
  • Maddzy got a new bed
  • Boys are lame... who needs them
  • School gets out on June 3
  • Kell and Maddy sing OMIGOSH you guys almost EVERY day!
  • Kellzy put Mafia wars on her Ipod
ThATS aLL wE caN ThInK of FoR NOw!
HaVE A W*O*N*D*E*R*F*U*L* week

Monday, March 9, 2009


TOday is kell's birthday :) We did a number of things to celabrate! Such as we had a wonderful sleepover, played with matches, had lots of candy! Emily and Kenzie came over... we watched what women want and a scary movie! YAY! Kell got a WONDERFUL PINK camera.. And brookie gave kell a movie! We had a great time! :D

Monday, March 2, 2009

Maddzy here! :) So much has happened... its the end of the tri! YAY, we have had LOTS of sleepovers, We have discovered a new love for Mafia wars on FB, and a lot of other wonderfully fabulous things! We had a sleep over at my house with emily and it was so much fun! we ate lots of candy and stayed up late! We also played the game of life with my brother sam. We also took up scrapbooking and made very cute books! WOW! Febuary has been such a long month and I am glad its over! Kellzy is in a play Lil Abner! She is so good she plays the bad girl and is so good at it! I am so luckey to have her as my bestie! Today we went running... I am not going to lie it sucked I run REALLY slow! Oh and we also have developed a love for LegallyBlonde the musical. Well i think thats it for now...
Kiss Kiss

Saturday, January 24, 2009

A wonderful day :)

Its maddy! :)

So Kell and I had a wonderful sleepover and many other adventures last night... And when we woke up it was very foggy!! Which is a WONDERFUL thing! Kell and I took some lovely picture of each other in the fog! And last night we went to our dear friend Kenzie's house and Watched a movie. I only got to watch a small piece of it because my parole officer (My Father) made me come home... well our pics are Very silly!!!! We are sick of all the dance girls and their Hazen pics. So we did our own!!! :)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Maddy is Fifteen!

Hey everyone! Kell here! On Saturday Maddy turned 15! So to celebrate we did a number of things... of which i will blog about right now! Maddy and Kenzie share a Birthday, so i made them a cake!

We were going to go sledding after school but that didn't work out because our snow melted, but we did go hot tubbing! Unfortunately for you we didn't get pics of that because we agreed we didn't want any swim suit shots on the internet but i usure you we had OODLES of fun! 

The next day Me and Maddy and Kenzie had a movie marathon, We watched some of the best, like: 10 things i hate about you with the lovely heath ledger; You've got mail; John Tucker Must Die; and my FAVORITE Head over Heels which has the stud muffin of all stud muffins in it, Freddie Prinze Jr

We also got stuck in a pull out couch,

So that in a Nutshell is how me and Maddy spent her birthday,